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Pre-Participation Medical Paperwork

All student-athletes must be cleared through the Sports Medicine Clearance process, completed yearly,
before participating in any Athletics’ related activity.

Pre-Participation Paperwork Deadlines

Fall Sports – August 1st
Winter & Spring Sports – September 1st


As of June 1, 2024, all pre-participation paperwork will be completed and submitted through the online system SportsWare. All student-athletes are required to register an account.

Click here, , to access SportsWare. 




Click the appropriate link above for step-by-step instructions on how to complete the Pre-Participation Paperwork.

First-Year/Transfer can find instructions to set up your SportsWare account in the link above.

*See below for a list of the pre-participation paperwork requirements that may be applicable to you.


First-Year /Transfer Student-Athlete Paperwork -Required

  • Physical Exam– within 6 months of sports start date
  • Immunization Records
  • Sickle Cell Test Result

*See below for details and instructions on how to submit

ALL Student-Athletes – Required

  • SportsWare Info (General, Address, Emergency, Insurance, Medical, Alerts)
  • Medical History
  • Insurance Verification
  • Medical Exchange Form
  • Acknowledge of Risk and Disclosure of PHI Form

ADDITIONAL PAPERWORK - May be applicable to you

  • Prescription Inhaler Form
  • ADHD Medical Exemption Form
  • Diabetic Action Plan
  • Medical Clearance Form


Forms and Instructions 

The following forms can be submitted by going to the “Forms” section in your SportsWare account. Click “Add”. Upload the form and title it thename of the form (Ex: Prescription Inhaler Form)

Physical Exam & Immunizations Record

The NCAA requires student-athletes who are beginning their initial season of eligibility to undergo a
medical examination or evaluation within six months prior to participation in any practice, competition
or out-of-season strength & conditioning activities. Per the Elms College Sports Medicine staff, this
requirement extends to Transfer students or any Elms student who has never participated in a Varsity
sport at Elms College, or who has participated but has not done so for 2 or more years.

Physical ExaForm - PDF

 The Elms College Sports Medicine Staff will only accept phyiscals with this form. Other Physical Exam Forms WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED!

Immunizations Form - PDF

*These forms are also excepted at Health Services for the institution’s physical exam and immunizations record requirement. You must submit a physical and immunizations to Health Services. This is a separate submission than Athletics. You must submit to both Athletics and Health Services.

Sickle Cell Test Results

The NCAA passed legislation August 1st of 2022 requiring all NCAA Division III student-athletes to
confirm their Sickle Cell status in order to participate in intercollegiate athletics. See below for
instructions on how you can obtain your Sickle Cell Test Results.

Sickle Cell Submission Guide - PDF


Effective August 2009, the NCAA instituted stricter guidelines for eligibility under medical exceptions for banned substances, including stimulants used to treat ADHD/ADD, medications for male-pattern baldness, peptide hormones (hGH), and anabolic steroids (testosterone) or any other medications banned* by the NCAA. There are no medical exceptions for street drugs.


(Click here for NCAA Banned Substances List)

Prescription Inhaler Form - PDF

This form is to provide documentation for any prescription medication(s) that a student-athlete might
use for asthma while participating in intercollegiate athletics. The NCAA recognizes the medication in
inhalers as a banned substance as it is considered performance enhancing for anyone without asthma.
In the case that a student-athlete is drug tested for banned substances, a copy of the prescribed
medication(s) is/are needed to qualify for an exemption of the drug.

ADD/ADHD Exemption Form - PDF

This form is to provide documentation for any prescription medication(s) that a student-athlete uses for
the treatment of ADD/ADHD. The NCAA recognizes the ADD/ADHD medication as a banned substance
for anyone without a prescription to treat ADD/ADHD. In the case that a student-athlete is drug tested
for banned substances, a copy of the prescribed medication(s) is/are needed to qualify for an exemption
of the drug.

Diabetic Action Plan - PDF - *Must be signed by Physician

Elms College Sports Medicine requests that any student-athletes with diabetes fill out the Diabetic
Action Plan. This will help our staff better assist you and ensure your safe participation in your sport.
Student athletes with diabetes are asked to provide and be responsible for their own glucose tablets, beverages and
snacks. It is the responsibility of the student athlete to carry all the necessary items they may need for their safety.
Please note that the Elms College Athletic Trainers are not licensed to be able to give glucagon injections.

Medical Clearance Form - PDF

Additional clearance from an injury or medical condition may be requested. Clearance for an injury or
medical condition must be obtained from the treating doctor. For example, if you saw an Orthopedic for
an injury, your primary care physician cannot provide clearance.

Examples of things needing additional clearance: You have a cardiac condition, surgery of an orthopedic
injury within the last 2 years, recent concussion, car accident within the last 6 months, surgery within
the last year, etc.


For continuing coverage of Elms College Athletics, visit and follow the Blazers on TwitterFacebook, and Instagram.